Greenwashing Aeroplanes?

I travel somewhat often and mostly by plane. And I’ve been worried about the ecological impact of flying. Thus I was happy to find out about a list by Finnair (the biggest finnish airline). Finnair claim that carbon emissions can be cut by up to 30% by following these three simple rules:

  1. Choose modern airplanes. Travel with an airline, whose fleet consists of modern fuel-conservative aircraft.
  2. Choose direct routes. Avoid stopovers. Less time on air means less consumed fuel.
  3. Avoid big and busy airports that get crowded during the rush hours.

Sounds so good that we posted the list on TripSay as well.

Or is this just greenwashing? I find it very difficult to believe that the impact could be as much as 30%. At least it would be better to talk about the average impact instead of the peak…

According to PhoCusWright I’m not alone if I’m sceptical. A bit over a half of travelers suspect green washing when travel companies try to communicate their green strategy and ecologicality.

PhoCusWright’s survey of U.S. travelers finds that 56% are skeptical of what companies are telling them about green practices and only 8% think it is easy to find green travel options. Travel companies must clearly communicate the precise value and impact of their green strategies.

Reducing towel laundry and linen use is not enough anymore. Cutting one third of flight emissions could be. I think Finnair is on the right track in taking “green” into account in their marketing. That is, if they can prove the numbers…

Direct Route Is a Straight Line by Finnair

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